Green space is a trending word that has been buzzing these days. So, any space that is green like parks or gardens or else can be considered a green space. It’s a well-known fact that green space helps to control the goodness in the climate and ecosystem of all living species.
There are critical questions we would like to ask you:
How green is your city?
On a global scale, how green are the cities of the world?
Are they really getting greener or is the densification of cities also reducing the valuable green in the cities?
To look for possible answers to such questions, Husqvarna started an initiative in collaboration with Overstory to monitor and improve the maintenance of green spaces in urban areas., of course with the help of government professionals and influencers.
HUGSI stands for Husqvarna Urban Green Space Index, which aims to promote the value of greenness. We measure the greenness of urban cities with a set of predefined KPIs, which we call Green KPIs.
So, what are these green KPIs? And how do they help in measuring the greenness of the city?
If that interests you, watch the full video on Youtube.
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