Quantifying the greenness of global cities
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Area and population total for all cities

Urban area size
- km²
Urban area population
- (2023)

Averages for all cities

Distribution of classes
Average green space
Average green capita
0 m²
Average health of urban vegetation
Average grasscover
Average treecanopycover
Distribution of urban green space

Husqvarna Urban Green Space Insights

The Husqvarna Urban Green Space Insights (HUGSI) is an AI-powered satellite solution that indicates how green cities are by reviewing their green areas and how they are developing. The aim is to contribute to the protection and growth as well as the maintenance of green areas in cities. Since 2019, HUGSI has conducted annual surveys of a growing number of cities in the world. The cities themselves apply to be part of HUGSI. All data is open and published at www.hugsi.green. The data presented is based on the cities' greenest day, from a vegetation perspective, from previous calendar year.