Green spaces are the lungs of cities and vital to all residents. By comparing cities within each country, we aim to make these insights more engaging. This report analyzes the largest cities by population on their greenest day.
Download our Top green cities report for free to get all the details and insights.
Rankingsorted ascending | city | Green % | Tree canopy % | Population density |
---| is supporting the greening of global cities by providing objective and recurring quantification of vital green KPI’s for urban areas for hundreds of cities in more than 60 countries across the globe.
Become part of the growing HUGSI-community! Get your city on to be able to quantify your urban green space, track development year on year, compare and benchmark KPI’s with other cities globally.
Get an instant baseline of your urban green to set a relevant greening ambition. With annual monitoring you can track effects of your city greening plans.
Through our analysis you can assess tree canopy cover and find areas with too little tree canopy and spot vegetation with low vitality. Is your city nature positive? With the change analysis you will detect city wide changes affecting vegetation, calculating the net change.