Quantifying the greenness of global cities
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How green are cities in Sweden? We wanted to find out!

HUGSI.green is a service from Husqvarna quantifying the urban green space of cities using analysis of satellite data. The purpose is to help decision makers in cities across the globe to safeguard and grow urban green space. With the data provided they can understand their current green assets, track development year on year and benchmark their green data with other global, regional, and local pairs.

In the Top Green Cities challenge we have analyzed the largest cities in Sweden based on population to find out which city is greenest.

But it is really not a competition. By becoming more data driven, all cities can better achieve their individual green potential.

Learn more about HUGSI.green and make use of the insights from our analysis of Sweden by downloading the report.

If you are working for any of these municipalities, learn more about how we can make you become on top of your urban green data.

Learn more about HUGSI.green

Get on top of your urban green data!

HUGSI.green is supporting the greening of global cities by providing objective and recurring quantification of vital green KPI’s for urban areas for hundreds of cities in more than 60 countries across the globe.

Become part of the growing HUGSI-community! Get your city on HUGSI.green to be able to quantify your urban green space, track development year on year, compare and benchmark KPI’s with other cities globally.

Get an instant baseline of your urban green to set a relevant greening ambition. With annual monitoring you can track effects of your city greening plans.

Through our analysis you can assess tree canopy cover and find areas with too little tree canopy and spot vegetation with low vitality. Is your city nature positive? With the change analysis you will detect city wide changes affecting vegetation, calculating the net change.

What is included in the subscription?

  • A public dedicated city page on hugsi.green showcasing your city’s KPI’s, maps and development.
  • Yearly recurring updates of urban green space data for your city.
  • Ranking and rating part of the HUGSI-index.
  • At first addition we analyze data from your prime date from two previous years.

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