Quantifying the greenness of global cities
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Netherlands, Europe


Amstelveen Municipality is a city with a population of 82,174 and lies in the 1500-3000 (Medium) density category. The city has an area of 28.28 sqr km with a total green space of 42% and a tree coverage of 27%. The city lies in the North Temperate Zone of the world. The city has improved it's Average health of urban vegetation when compared to Global Average and also improved it's Percentage of urban area covered by trees when compared to previous year.Within Europe, 57.4% of cities are ranked lower than Amstelveen Municipality. There has been a positive increase in the greenness of city as compared to previous year, out of all the changes happening 93% of them are positive.



Urban Green Space

Percentage of urban green space
Population density
- people per kmĀ²

Husqvarna Urban Green Space Insights

The Husqvarna Urban Green Space Insights (HUGSI) is an AI-powered satellite solution that indicates how green cities are by reviewing their green areas and how they are developing. The aim is to contribute to the protection and growth as well as the maintenance of green areas in cities. Since 2019, HUGSI has conducted annual surveys of a growing number of cities in the world. The cities themselves apply to be part of HUGSI. All data is open and published at www.hugsi.green. The data presented is based on the cities' greenest day, from a vegetation perspective, from previous calendar year.